This last weekend I celebrated Mother's Day by going on a run with her and then going out to breakfast and later walking Zoey. It was just me and her, my dad is out of town and my sibs live in Northern Calfornia so it was nice to be low key. We also celebrated on Saturday with my grandma, auntie and cousin, so we pretty much celebrated all weekend by eating good food. Tuesday was my best friend's 25th birthday! Happy Birthday Liz! I was taking all the photos off my phone {not a small feat} and found these photos of when we went to do her makeup trial for her wedding. So beautiful! I wish I could have celebrated with her on Tuesday in Seattle but I'm glad we got to celebrate a few weekends ago. Received my last BirchBox and got these cool things {among some other great samples1}. Thanks again for the gift Abby!
Happy Wednesday! Hopefully the week is going well for everyone!
I love every single photo in this post. Food, your cute dog that I'm obsessed with, gorgeous Elle, and sample products. Perfect.