
Ponderosa & Thyme Wreath Workshop

Last weekend I attended the Ponderosa & Thyme "Create Joy" Holiday Wreath Workshop. I've been dying to go to one of their floral workshops, so when Katie invited me to join I jumped at the chance. 
I've been drooling over the Ponderosa & Thyme wreaths and getting to make my own was so fun. The whole night was warm and inviting. I learned a lot and left feeling inspired and encouraged.

Ponderosa & Thyme focuses on found and foraged flowers and greenery. Everything needed to make a wreath was provided for the workshop, including some purchased greenery to round out the foraged greens. Snacks and wine was also included, which is always a plus. 

That's Katie, teaching us her wreath ways. She was SO fast!

I was welcomed into Katie's home, which is beautiful. It was warm and cozy and they had a huge table with so many different types of greenery in the middle of the room. We started with some wine and snacks and then introduced ourselves to the group. Going into the workshop, I only knew Katie {owner of P&T} and Grace, Photographer of the night. It was fun to catch up with them but it was also fun to meet the other women. I was the only one who hadn't attended a workshop before, so I was a little intimidated from the start. But it was so nice to go around the room and say what we were looking forward to about the holidays, voice our concerns about the holidays {we all have them!} and just get comfortable before jumping into the wreath making. Katie encouraged us to "Create Joy" through this holiday season, however we can.

 It was a feeding frenzy to get greenery. Luckily, they had SO much of everything, everyone got as much as they wanted. 

Grace caught me instagramming. Twice!

I learned a new way to build wreaths and Katie was a great teacher. I started going "backwards" and I started to get frustrated but once Katie set me straight, it made so much more sense! 
It was fun to keep adding and adding. Katie encouraged everyone to go with their first instinct and not over think it. I am constantly over thinking, so it was good to move fast and not second guess.

I really wanted a full asymmetrical wreath. I love that Katie had rosemary, magnolia, eucalyptus and so many different kinds of greenery, so many types that I don't even know the names! 

There it is!

I loved making this wreath and learning from Katie and the women around me.
It made me determined to attend one of her floral workshops in the future! Who's with me?

All photos by Hurtienne Photography

1 comment:

  1. what a gorgeous workshop and gorgeous wreath! i'd love to do this sometime!
    ladies in navy


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